
intErnet-based iNterventions FOR Cardiac arrEst suRvivors

Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest

Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest is a critical medical event in which the heart suddenly stops beating. During cardiac arrest, the brain and other vital organs are deprived of oxygen, which can lead to severe consequences. Survivors of cardiac arrest often face a series of challenges, including:


Cognitive disorders

Difficulty with memory, attention, and problem-solving.


Anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder

These are common, sometimes in mild forms that nevertheless affect quality of life.


Physical symptoms

Muscle weakness, fatigue, or other functional problems related to the disease causing the cardiac arrest.

The Study

ENFORCER is a randomized controlled interventional study that aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a multimodal intervention accessible via the internet on anxiety, depression, and cognitive disorders in people who have survived out-of-hospital cardiac arrest during the period following discharge from the hospital.

In addition to the people who are directly affected by a cardiac arrest, the study also proposes the involvement of the person who takes care of them (caregiver).

The study is funded by the "Fondazione IRC Italian Resuscitation Council ETS", a non-profit association dedicated to supporting survivors of cardiac arrest and their families and developed and promoted by Azienda USL Bologna and Montecatone Rehabilitation Institute.

Fondazione IRC
SSR Montecatone

Participants will be assigned to two intervention groups

Experimental Group

Patients in this group will receive treatments through our web interface at specific intervals. The treatment period extends over an initial 6 months of learning followed by another 6 months of maintenance during which we will provide reminders and exercises. The interventions are focused on into three main areas of patient well-being.

Control Group

Patients in the control group will receive standard care from their primary care physician and will complete assessments with the research team at specific time points. At the end of the study, they will also be given full access to the ENFORCER online information and educational materials.

Web Based Treatment

All proposed activities and contact with the research team will be obtained via the web, ensuring maximum accessibility for participants.

The study takes place in Italy and all interactive material is provided in Italian.

If centers in foreign countries are interested in replicating the ENFORCER study in another language, they can contact studio.enforcerausl.bologna.it. The study is registered on clinicaltrials.gov (NCT06395558).

Do you want to participate?

If you are interested in participating in the ENFORCER project or have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at:
We will contact you to understand if you meet the inclusion criteria for the study.

We are excited to have you onboard in this journey. Together we can make a difference!


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